Ten Thousand Places

Robert Grant's team, along with other invited guests and friends, use this blog as a book discussion. We're currently reading Eugene Peterson's book "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places."

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Quo Vadis?

Here are some questions for us to kick around; please let us see your responses!

(1) Should we "open up" our blog a bit by inviting some new members? (It's been good to have Joseph join us!) Would our wives be possible additions (and would they even be interested)? Others who would enjoy and contribute to this sort of undertaking? We may not want it to get too large--depends on your responses to #3 below... so be sure to respond to #3 below, eh?

(2) Do you have specific topics you'd like to see discussed? Would you like to "host a post"--simply means that you would frame a topic via a post and then could do as much moderating of the ensuing discussion as you like. A post generally has an active life of about ten days... perhaps it's better to say that MY posts generally have that kind of shelf life--YOUR posts might well keep us going for weeks!

(3) What would you like this blog to do for you and/or us? My main goal has been to find ways to help us keep in touch/a bit more current with one another, so that when we're actually face-to-face, we don't need to spend an inordinate amount of time "catching up". (I do NOT think that a blog will ever make "catching up" unnecessary!) Thus far, it's primarily been a way to share what participants have been THINKING about (sorry, that's what you tend to get when I'm in charge!). It could also be used to discuss what we're PRAYING about, or DOING... pretty much anything is fair game, as long as there are enough interested participants. And we can vary the format as we wish, trying one thing, than another.

Oh, "quo vadis" is Latin for "Where are you going?"

So, where would YOU like to go with this?


Blogger Joseph Holbrook said...

thank you for welcoming me into your team discussion.

Here is a suggestion: in our discussions with the council about ways to include more people in the planning and create process for ACM, Robert offered the excellent suggestion of creating a blog for ACM/planning group.

My thought is that you might want to keep your "team" blog for in-house stuff, and create another blog here at this same server for a broader group of ACM guys. Perhaps if it goes well...one for substantive discussion of emerging and orthodox church themes and another one for nuts and bolts planning and creative input for ACM.

I am a firm believer in "flatening out" all vertical hierarchies as much as possible and creating "open source" opportunities for creative input and participation.


6:31 PM  
Blogger Joseph Holbrook said...


there is an interesting article posted on Yahoo about the positive effect of megachurches in creating multi-cultural opportunities ... i.e. racial "integration."

They give an example of a mega-church in Boston, and another in Baltimore, MD.

here is the link:



2:24 PM  
Blogger Randy R. said...

Hello! Is anyone home? Can you hear me? Is our blog evaporating into cyberspace? I know, "Silence is golden!" :-}

My votes:
1. Keep trying to get our folks onboard.
2. I believe that Brian is doing an outstanding job of choosing the themes/questions for our discussions. Therefore, if if ain't broke, don't fix it!
3. Expansion is fine with me; however, I would not suggest creating another blog . . . we can't get everyone to contribute to this one!

By the way, the article that Joseph referred to is about a friend here in Columbia, David Anderson. He has actually been on Robert's radio program. He came here in 1990 with a vision for a multi-racial church. Ten years later they were numbering 1000 and about 50/50 ethnic mix!

Going to bed now, blessings to all ... ERR, out

10:23 PM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...

The article Joseph mentioned featured Grace Chapel, about 2 miles from me...and I actually know about half the people in the photograph accompanying the article! Just to clarify, we're not proposing starting a new blog for "us"--J's suggestion was that a blog can be a good way for the ACM planning team to keep in touch.

11:41 AM  

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