Ten Thousand Places

Robert Grant's team, along with other invited guests and friends, use this blog as a book discussion. We're currently reading Eugene Peterson's book "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places."

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Merry Christmas! And for the New Year...?

Thanks to all who have been participating in our blog. Grace and peace, love and blessings, and encouragement and hope from God our Father through Christ Jesus his Son by God the Spirit who indwells us--now, thorughout the New Year, and always!
Any thoughts for how better to use our blog in 2007? Please post 'em!
I thank our God every time I think of you!


Blogger Judy said...

Maybe we should offer free wine to all contributers?!?

8:02 PM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...

I like it... perhaps along with a cigar. I can probably find out how to have the appropriate icons on the blog: "Click here for a merlot... here for a chardonnay... here for a CAO Churchill."

8:24 PM  
Blogger Randy R. said...

Hey, LeRoy and Brian, I attached my string, at least for the moment, tonight. I wonder if guys are just so busy that they can't find/make the time to contribute? I know that can be an easy excuse. However, I have just come through the busiest four weeks that I have had in a looooong time. I had very little margin and found myself doing only the essentials. I am beginning to see the daylight, again. But having experienced what I have, did make me wonder about our other dear brothers, for whom I join you in thanking God.

One final comment . . . could we also offer beer, along with with the wine and cigars?

9:41 PM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...

Yes, I can add a "beer icon" to the "wine" and "cigars" icons--I guess virtual smokes and alcohol present fewer health risks... but somehow clicking an icon isn't the same, is it?
Hey, we're all busy. And we all tend to sacrifice the important to the urgent. (No knock on you here, Randy--yes, there just are times when all we can get to are the essentials and the urgents.) But I am concerned that if we don't find ways to connect and keep in touch during the year, our relationships begin to thin out ("attenuate" for those looking for the higher-proced word). I actually am finding the "big meeting" that ACM is becoming relationally less helpful--lots of folks I WANT to spend time with, but not much time available in that sort of context. I don't so much care if we use a blog like this to discuss a book, but do think it could become a helpful way to check in, keep in touch... but only if guys find it a helpful way to make regular investments into our relational bank accounts. For a "relational people," we kinda keep to ourselves when we're not actually face-to-face.
Does this make sense? Am I whining?

10:41 AM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...


3:24 PM  
Blogger Judy said...

Nimepotea kabisa!!! Lakini,kuwa ns Krismasi njema kwa kila mtu. Mungu awabariki.

4:31 PM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...

Hoo, boy... things were going so well until Robert started speaking in tongues...

8:33 PM  
Blogger Brian Emmet said...

Just checking if I can still get in!

11:12 PM  

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