Latin for "Ever upward!" It's also the motto of NY state, and as a Long Island boy, I believe it was the first Latin word I learned. Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving. Correct me if I'm wrong, but there doesn't seem to be a lot of stomach among us for digesting much more of Peterson's book. If that can be confirmed by a RESPONSE FROM Y'ALL, then I'd suggest that this blog can still be quite useful to us, providing a forum for chewing over various topics of current interest to us. I don't think we've exhausted the Peterson book, but as LeRoy will no doubt put it, we've been exhausted by it. Your thoughts?
I am for continuing with Peterson. My impression is that although there are only a few of us contributing to the dialog, that there are a number of "listeners." Perhaps, when we finish "Christ in. . . ," that we do another book together. That's my two cents.
My thanks to all--let's see if we get some other expressions of interest...
Hey, here's an idea: let's have LeRoy select the next Peterson topic and moderate that particular discussion. That way, my sensitive hide won't be subject to his further slings and barbs against the Finest Writer on Spiritual Theology of our epoch! What say, LeRoy?
LeRoy, please quit speaking in tongues unless the gift of interpretation is also present and operational...
Glory sounds like a great Advent theme--was there a particular section you had in mind?
Also, a thought/suggestion--let's try to post in a way that draws us all into conversation. I know this will come as a shock to all of us, but I have noticed some tendency for us to simply state "Here's what I think about that," (good heavens--might godly men like us have some temptation towards pontification?) Maybe I speak only for myself (boy, talk about painting a large bulls-eye on myself), but I'm much more interested in what we don't understand, have questions about, want to challenge Peterson (or one another) on.
Not sure if a response is expected, but I vote for LeRoy's idea. In fact, we (Fred and I) plan to preach a three-part series on the subjet "God's Glory" starting January. The idea came out of the union of Peterson's book and Mumford's messages.
Fine by me--let's dig in on pp. 99-108.
Excelsior! (It just has a nice ring to it, eh?)
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