Ten Thousand Places

Robert Grant's team, along with other invited guests and friends, use this blog as a book discussion. We're currently reading Eugene Peterson's book "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places."

Friday, September 29, 2006

Moving on...

OK, the comments have dropped off, so let's move on. This is a heads-up for next week: we'll be in the 'Christ Plays in Creation' chapter (pp. 51-129), so "keep up with the reading!" as your college profs used to say. A new post on this new section will be up early next week.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

First conversations and next assignment

Here we go. The following questions may spark some good conversation, but feel free to pose others. No need to respond to each question--pick what interests you.
The real action will be in the "Comments" section, not in my posts. See that "Comment" button in the lower right of your screen? Click on that and you'll be able to do two things: read whatever comments have been made, and add your own. Visit from time to time to see how the conversations are developing--and help keep them moving!
Oh, and while we're chatting about the opening of the book, let's prepare for the next assignment: please work on reading Section I, "Christ Plays in Creation," pp. 48-130. Use that hghlighter!

Intro and Clearing the Playing Field
1) Select a section that you underlined/highlighted. Tell us which section and why it caught your attention.
2) Peterson has a different understanding of and approach to 'spirituality' than what I grew up in the charismatic movement of the 1970s. Are there aspects to his approach that strike you as helpful, provocative, worth some further thought/discussion?
3) I was struck, and helped, by Peterson's thorough-going trinitarianism. Are our churches genuinely trinitarian in practice as well as belief, or are we actually functionally unitarian?
4) Does it really matter? Why?
5) "Play is another important idea here. What are your responses to the idea of Christ playing, of the place and power of playfulness in true spirituality?

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Welcome--first assignment

Welcome--it really is well that you have come to be part of this discussion group. While we start by tackling Peterson's book "Christ Plays in Ten Thousand Places," I hope that this might be the first of many such conversations!

We'll formally launch the week of September 25. I'll get us started off with a question or two or three from the reading. These are more to just a conversation started--you should feel free to head us in another direction, as long as we're focusing generally on the reading. You should also feel free to post suggestions, ideas, complaints, etc.

First assignment: This sounds funny, but look at the Table of Contents, even if you're already well into the book. I find Peterson's writing 'dense', not meaning dull or hard-to-understand, but packed-full-with-substance. The TOC gives you a clear map.
Next, read (or re-read) the preface, intro and first section "Clearing the Playing Field" (i.e., through page 48). notice what grabs your attention, confuses you, prompts any kind of strong response. Use highlighter/underliner/whatever frequently!